Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Revisions for Class

My idea has gone in a completely different direction. I have decided to write a story about a gardener.

Act I.
The main character is introduced as an immigrant worker who is not very rich and has a strong devotion to God.
Act II.
Here our protagonist is met with a bush that bestows upon the gardener a bike. One that his son wants for his upcoming birthday.
Act III.
The resolution is not set in stone. Either the Gardener finds out that the magic bush is just a stash spot for some of the neighborhood kids, this would play pretty funny. The other possible idea for the Gardener is that the short cuts off right when he finds the treasures in the bush.

Elevator Line.
A Gardener is amazed to find treasures in a bush he regularly trims, but is it what it really seems?

Satirical God head?
Immigrant roots examination?

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